As a website owner or webmaster you may feature your website entry. Featured results
attract much more attention.
What a featured result entry offers:
Your entry appears above all other entries in category and search *
Your entry appears highighted with a background color.
Your entry will have a stronger and colored border.
Your website address appears bolded.
Your website address is directly linked to your website.
Fees applying for featured results:
1 month: € 29,80
3 months: € 86,70 (-3%)
6 months: € 169,80 (-5%)
12 months: € 321,60 (-10%)
All fees are subject to Italian VAT (at 20%; not payable by EU companies having a valid VAT number).
Subsciption is renewed automatically unless cancelled. Cancelable at any time without notice.
How to book a featured result entry for your website: